Trend of social media is now dominating the way people communicate and use the internet. People use it to fill spare time, connect to others such as family and friends, update the latest news, share ideas, find inspiration, and even discover products to buy.

Social media users increase every year likewise the average time spent on it. Based on the research conducted by Statista, the daily time spent on social media by internet users worldwide increased about 63.3% from 2012-2022. The data shows that on average, people spend 147 minutes or 2 hours and 27 minutes a day in 2022. 

In Singapore, the most technologically developed country in Southeast Asia, social media users are also increasing every year. Based on The Global Statistics finding, 89,5% of the population there use social media. The increasing number of active social media users in 2022 at a rate of 6,9% from 2021. While the average daily time spent on social media is 2 hours and 31 minutes. Social media has become an important part of Singaporean daily life today. 

Considering the growing number of social media users every year and time people spend on social media we can conclude that social media is a worthy option to advertise our business. Nearly all business owners in Singapore have taken it into account as a marketing strategy.  Especially for tuition business, social media will be a powerful marketing tool. Since the target consists of students and parents who mostly are well interacted with social media.

However, the first thing to consider in reaching out to the target market on social media is the social media platforms which  are mostly used by them. According to The Global Statistics, the most popular social media in Singapore is Facebook which is used by 4.33 million people or 79.40% of the population. The second position is Instagram with 3.61 million users. While the third most used social media is Tiktok which is used by 2.41 million users. The next places are LinkInd, Twitter, Pinterest, Skype, Reddit, and Imgur.

Facebook is mostly used in Singapore. That’s why various popular brands use Facebook to communicate with their customers. People from various circles both the governing class and ordinary populace enjoy it. For years to come, it is predicted that Facebook will still have a tremendous impact on business marketing strategy. For the second platform, Instagram, in Singapore is mostly used by teenagers and young people. While TikTok, which is also used more by teenagers, is followed by business and employment-oriented sites.

It is important knowing the social media platform to determine where we will post our marketing content. For tuition business where the markets are students and parents we can consider Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok. Usually most students are more active on Instagram and Tiktok. While most parents use Facebook more. Actually we can also use Messenger Apps such as WhatsApp which is used by 83.70% of Singapore population. Besides the most visited websites in Singapore can be also considered in marketing strategy, they are Google and YouTube.

After understanding about the appropriate social media platform, then we should be aware that advertising tuition centers business using  social media is not only about posting something then everything is done. There should be several ways to make it effective. Well, if you are looking for effective ways to advertise your tuition center using social media, you find the right article. Here is the explanation. 


Tips of Advertising Tuition Business Using Social Media

Post helpful content regularly

Posting helpful content such as educational tips and research is effective to advertise tuition business. For example, post tips on math like an easy way to accomplish math problems. It will be interesting for potential tuition clients. Besides, it has at least two benefits, to help students learn immediately and to show the expertise of the tuition teachers. 

So, what kind of helpful content can we post? Here are some references you can use answering that question.

  • Secret tips

Just like been talking before, secret tips will be interesting for potential tuition clients. Most students like secret tips in accomplishing problems. It is more effective to be made in video. Make simple explanations that attract students to make them even visit your profile to get another secrets.

  • Common mistakes

Usually students have common mistakes in fields they learn. For example the mistake in using it’s and its, misconception in determining the value of fractional number, etc. Make a post like a video or poster about it. Show them the mistakes and the simple explanation to solve it easily.

  • Common question

Make a list of common questions from your students about the field they learn. Then, make a content to explain it in a simple way. Hence, the potential students will see your contents, search more, and finally enroll themselves to your tuition.

  • Facts based on research, encyclopedia, or dictionary

Basically, everyone likes to have new insight. So, just make it. You can inform them about facts which are found in research, facts of natural phenomena from encyclopedias, or even some uncommon vocabularies. 

  • Motivation of learning

Last but not least is posting content about learning motivation. You can share the common problem that students have during learning and give them solutions. You can share some inspirational figures as well. These kinds of contents usually are able to boost students’ motivation in learning.

  • Challenge or event

Make a challenge or even that relates with your audience. For instance, the challenge of finishing a math problem, the event of a free test, etc. It will help you to reach more potential customers with your social media.

Post your content regularly. It would be better to have a schedule like Monday for secret tips, Tuesday for learning motivation and so forth. Don’t forget to figure out the right time to post for your audience such as early morning, during afternoon or in the evening. Invite your audiences to comment or share their ideas to have more interaction.

Use relevant hashtag

Hashtag will help your post be found by potential clients or students and parents who are looking for a credible tuition center. Make hashtags which are relevant with your post. For example #fraction, #englishgrammar, etc. Then, you can add another hashtag like #englishtutor, #onlinetuition, or other hashtags which are relevant with your post and your goal to grab clients attention.

Follow influencers

Influencers have had well-connected followers bases. Being actively interacting with the influencer by giving comments or reposting their posts will gradually be noticed by the community or other followers of the influencers. Of course, it will be a good opportunity to introduce your business profile to them.


Get testimoni from your students or parents. Then, post it on your social media. It will be a powerful marketing strategy. The potential students and parents who felt doubt before, will be more convinced.

Free trial class and learning group

Make a post to offer them a free trial class. You can arrange 2 or 3 sessions for free. Conduct it online using Zoom. You can also use WhatsApp Group Video Call since almost everyone has this application. Don’t forget to prepare simple material to explain in an attractive way.

You can also make a WhatsApp group to share tips of learning or accomplishing school tasks. The contacts you have here will then be useful for advertising your tuition.

Social media can reach broader targets. People from another city will even know and be interested in your tuition. You can see it as a good opportunity to develop your tuition business. Make your tuition online to facilitate potential students who can’t come to your tuition.

Well, building an online tuition is not that difficult. You don’t need to deal with code in making the LMS. You don’t need to hire an IT expert as well. Since you can use LMS products which are ready to use like Katalis App.

Katalis App is a qualified and trusted LMS provider for online learning programs. It is running on top of OpenEdx, a powerful LMS engine created by two of the most prestigious universities in the world, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University, which used to run, a massive open online course site used by 35 million users in the world.

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