E-learning opportunities for publishers

E-learning is one of the fastest-growing industries worldwide. Countless e-learning marketplaces now have tens of millions of users, for example, Udemy, Coursera, Ruang Guru, etc. Many students flocked to enroll to study there. The rapid development of the e-learning industry is influenced by the character of today’s market audiences that are more tech-savvy. They tend to look for attractive and interactive ways to consume information.

E-learning now is not limited to educators and trainers but also various other industrial fields. Many industries or companies have made e-learning a business tool to gain revenue streams and new customers. Companies in the publishing sector also have opportunities in this regard.

Publisher usually:

  • Having writers and professors or professional experts so that they are better prepared in creating and distributing content in e-learning
  • Having a reliable marketing team and connections in marketing products
  • Always looking for new revenue streams and increasing readership
  • Want to have digital products such as e-books that are more interactive, safe, and convenient to access
  • Always looking for innovative ways to stay ahead of the competition

If your company fits the description above, then it’s time for you to explore the realm of e-learning to expand your business.

Stay cool. You don’t need to be an e-learning or IT expert to start this business. You don’t need to build a web application from scratch because it will take too much money and time. Publishers can work with proven and experienced e-learning or LMS providers, for example, Katalis.App so that the process is simpler and faster to market.

What can publishers do with an LMS?

The Learning Management System (LMS) is an e-learning or online learning platform to create, distribute and manage learning content. LMSs also make content easier to find and even sell. By using LMS, publishers can expand their business.

There are several things publishers can do with LMS including:

Building an e-learning marketplace or online course

Creating e-learning using an LMS is similar to creating a web page but with additional elements. You can make learning content using a variety of formats, such as text, images, or videos. Then, use extra elements to make it more interesting such as SCORM activities, interactive quizzes, gamification, etc.

Producing interactive ebooks and digital course materials

Using an LMS, publishers can produce more interactive ebooks by adding SCORM activities, videos, etc. Publishers can also create other course materials in pdf format and distribute them more safely because LMS accounts are used individually, thereby minimizing piracy.

One example of a publisher that has used LMS to expand its business is the multinational publishing company, Pearson, through digital learning. Pearson offers online learning facilities to customers both individually and in one school bundling packages. With its digital learning platform, Pearson has proven capable of surviving in an era of disruption that has caused many publishing industries to suffer losses.

Publishers of educational books and e-learning are very closely related. Both are about delivering material content but differ in the method of distribution. By reading the needs and lifestyles of today’s consumers, elearning is a reasonable business area for the publishing industry to embrace.

By using LMS as a platform, publishers will find it easier to manage learning content in various technology-based formats. E-learning through LMS also provides learning facilities that match the learning pace of every single learner. Hence, learning becomes more learner-centric. In addition, LMS has data analytics facilities that allow publishers to monitor student engagement progress. Low engagement can be used as evaluation material to improve content quality. Vice versa, high engagement will be used as marketing material to increase revenue.

How can publishers own e-learning?

Seeing the reality that e-learning is one of the fastest growing industries in the world and the potential of publishers as learning content providers, now is the time for your publisher to expand business in the realm of e-learning. To build e-learning, publishers may opt to build it themselves from scratch or work with an LMS provider.

If you choose the first option, you can hire an IT expert. However, this method will take longer and cost more. Conversely, by choosing the second option, the time you need to go to market is faster and the costs required are lower.

We recommend the second way. However, make sure you choose proven LMS providers. One of them is Katalis.App, which has experience working with book publishers as an LMS provider. Katalis.App, an LMS provider with experience in helping manage e-learning without a large initial investment. It enables you to have an LMS without any technical complexities, thereby speeding up the process of going to market. Contact us here for further discussion.

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